External Mooting
The Department also encourages students to participate in external moot court competitions against teams from other universities and institutions both within and outside Hong Kong. Participation in such competitions provides opportunities for students to further develop and refine their oral and written advocacy, their problem-solving skills as well as their confidence in performing in court-like settings.
In recent years, students of the Department have respresented the University at regional and national competitions with some notable successes:
The 20th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2023). Preliminary Rounds.
The 19th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2022). Preliminary Rounds.
The 15th LAWASIA International Moot Competition (held on zoom). One of the moot team members won the Second Runner-up Best Mooter award.
The 14th LAWASIA International Moot Competition (2019) – Our team participated and advanced to the Semi-finals.
ICC Commercial Mediation Competition – Hong Kong (2018) – Our team participated and advanced to the Quarter Finals.
The International ADR Mooting Competition (2016) – 3rd ranking and “Best Oralist” in General Rounds.
Inter University Basic Law Moot Competition (2016) – First Runner-up Team for the competition.

Internal Mooting
The Department places strong emphasis on the organization of mooting for all students. Mooting is included in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Law and Business and students are required to participate in one internal moot activity in the second semester of each year of study.
Four internal moots, covering Contract Law, Criminal Law, Equity and Company Law are organised annually. With the exception of the Contract Law Moot, these compulsory moots are held at the High Court with serving legal practitioners acting as judges. These annual internal moots are among the most challenging and important activities in the Department each year.