Mode of Attendance 


Duration of Programme

Four Years

Curriculum (for 2021 and onwards)

Year 1

Year 1

 (38 credits)
Code Course Units
CHI 101 First Year Chinese I
CHI 102 First Year Chinese II 4
ENG 111 English Usage I
ENG 112 English Usage II 3
ACCT 100 Financial Accounting  3
BUS 120 Principles and Practice of Management 3
BUS 130 Principles of Marketing 3
ECON 100 Introduction to Economics
LAW 100  Legal Research and Writing 3
LAW 101 Legal Process
LAW 191 Legal Literacy Workshop I 0
- General Education X 2 (3 credits for each course) * 6
*From the academic year 2017/18 onwards, students admitted into Year 1 shall complete a total of 12 credits of General Education courses consisting of 3 credits in each of the four main areas in order to fulfil graduation requirements. For more information, please visit
Year 2

Year 2

(30 credits)
Code  Course Units
ENG 211 English Writing I 3
ENG 212 English Writing II 3
BUS 220 Quantitative Methods for Business 3
BUS 250 Organizational Behaviour 3
LAW 201 Contracts 3
LAW 301 Torts  3
LAW 290 Legal Literacy Workshop II 0
General Education X 2 (3 credits for each course) * 6
Elective Course X 2 (3 credits for each course)  6
*From the academic year 2017/18 onwards, students admitted into Year 1 shall complete a total of 12 credits of General Education courses consisting of 3 credits in each of the four main areas in order to fulfil graduation requirements. For more information, please visit
Year 3

Year 3

 (30 credits)
Code Course Units
BUS 309 Human Recources Managment  3
FIN 243 Money and Banking 3
LAW 300 Chinese Legal System 3
LAW 314 Commercial Dispute  Resolution  3
LAW 315 Commercial Law 3
LAW 320 Corporate Secretaryship 3
LAW 401 Company Law 3
- Elective Course X 3 (3 credits for each course) 


Year 4

Year 4

 (27 credits)
Code Course Units
BUS 418 Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance 3
BUS 460 Business Strategy 3
LAW 400 Property Law 3
LAW 402 Banking Law 3
LAW 416 Private International Law 3
- Elective Course X 4 (3 credits for each course)  12
Code Course
BUS 308 Financial Management
BUS 310 Estate and Retirement Planning
BUS 405 Hong Kong Taxation and Planning
BUS 406 Insurance
BUS 408 Asia Pacific Management Issues
BUS 410 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
BUS 440 Industrial Relations and Labour Law
BUS 480 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
ECON 233 The Economy of Hong Kong
ECON 323 The Economy of Contemporary China
FIN 324 Financial Institutions in Hong Kong and Global Banking
FIN 423 Financial Risk Analysis and Management
LAW 200 Constitutional Law
LAW 203 Employment Law
LAW 302 Equity and Trusts
LAW 303 Criminal Law
LAW 310 Finance Law
LAW 316 Law of Commercial Crimes
LAW 322 Risk and Compliance
LAW 323 Internship
LAW 324 Mooting and Advocacy
LAW 410 Research Project
LAW 412  Civil Procedure
LAW 414 Evidence
LAW 420 Criminal Procedure



Students may take some elective courses from across all of the University disciplines, though at least 18 credits must be law and business courses. Students wishing to undertake some specialisation may complete one or two of the elective concentrations, below. They may also take a mix of electives from across two or more of the concentrations. Completion of a minimum of 4 courses within one concentration will be listed with the “Name of Concentration” on the graduation transcript.

Code Course
LAW 302 Equity and Trusts
LAW 316 Law of Commercial Crimes
LAW 412 Civil Procedure
LAW 414 Evidence
LAW 420 Criminal Procedure
Code Course
BUS 308 Financial Management
BUS 405 Hong Kong Taxation and Planning
BUS 480 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Rssponsibility 
LAW 322 Risk and Compliance
LAW 410 Research Project

Admission Requirments and Procedures