Dr. LUI Chit-Ying, Wendy
Assistant Academic Vice President & Associate Professor

Contact Details
Research Interests
Lui, C.Y.W. (2025 - forthcoming) Criminal Prosecution in Hong Kong: Perception on the satisfaction of experiencing due process protection. Submitted to the Journal of Gross National Happiness and Law.
Lui, C.Y.W., Wong, S.W. D. (2025 - forthcoming).The Development of Restorative Justice in Hong Kong - legitimate practice in a legal vaccum. In M. Suzuki and R. Begum (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Restorative Justice Asia Volume.
Tang, E.C.H., Lui, C.Y.W. (2024). Woman Rights in the Muslim Societies and Jurisdiction. In Yu, F.L.T and Kwan, D.S. (Eds.). Religious, Political and Economic Conflicts in the Greater Middle East. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Lui, C.Y.W. (2024) Juxtaposing Common Law and Chinese Legal Culture: The Challenge in Adapting Restorative Justice Within the Hong Kong Criminal Justice System. In T. Rabalo (Ed.) Restorative Justice: Where the East meets the West. LexisNexis, Hong Kong
Lui, C.Y.W. (2022). Restorative Justice in Hong Kong - a research sutdy on the struggle between Retribution and Restoration. Asia Journal of Criminology. 17:4. DOI 10.1007/11417-022-09380-9
Lui, C.Y.W. (2021). Comparing the implementation of restorative justice in the inquisitorial system of China with the adversarial tradition in Hong Kong. In Gavrielides, T. (ed). Comparative Restorative Justice. New York: Springer.
Lui, C.Y.W. (2019). Review of “Restorative Justice in China: Comparing Theory and Practice”, Xiaoyu Yuan (2017). International Journal of Restorative Justice, vol. 2(2) pp.353-356.
Lui, C.Y.W and Wong, S.W.D. (2019). Application of Restorative Justice in an Education Setting: Blooming Hope amid the Decrease of Restorative Justice Development in Hong Kong. In Wong, D.S.W and Gavrielides, T. (2019). Restorative Justice in Educational Settings and Policies: Case studies from Eastern Civilizations. London: RJ4All Publications. ISBN 978-1-911634-07-2.
Wong, S.W.D. and Lui, C.Y. W. (2018). Restorative interventions in Chinese communities: Cultural-specific skills and challenges. In Gavrielides, T. (eds). Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice, Oxford: Routledge.
Lui, C.Y. W and Iu, T.K. (2017). Destruction of Mediator’s Notes: Is there really a need? Asian Journal on Mediation, Singapore Mediation Centre.
Ho, T, Poon, E., Lui, W., (Eds), (2015). The Second Edition of the English Chinese Dictionary of Law《英汉法律大词典》, Commercial Press, Hong Kong
Lui, W. (2013). The Rebirth of Accreditation: A case of Hong Kong. Tan Pan: The Chinese-English Journal on Negotiation, Vol. 1 Issue 2.
Research Grant
“Pilot research on perceived users' gratification in O.N.E. Bind Over and Restorative justice approaches in the criminal justice process”, University Research Grant, HKSYU (URG/23/15). 1 May 2024 - 31 Dec 2025. Acting as Principal Investigator. Grant amount: HK$ 40,000.
“Mediation Advocacy: A pilot analysis on the neurological activities generated during the process of evaluation and facilitation", University Research Grant, HKSYU (URG/21/04). 1 Jan 2022 - 30 Jun 2023. Acting as Principal Investigator. Grant amount: HK$ 40,000.
“Restorative Justice: an interdisciplinary research and application of theories on psychology and social neuroscience in the criminal justice process”, Inter-Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grants Council. 1 Jan 2022- 31 Dec 2022. Acting as Principal Investigator. Grant amount: HK$ 510,832. Project Reference No.: UGC/IIDS15/H04/21.
“Research and Study on Issues Relating to Mediation in Hong Kong”, Department of Justice, August 2020 – March 2021 (8 months). Acting as Co-Investigator. Research project fund: HK$1,288,343.56. Ref.: DJQ34/2019
“Participants’ physiological and behavioural responses to evaluative and facilitative mediation narratives”, Faculty Development Scheme , Research Grants Council, 1 Jan 2020-31 Dec 2022. Acting as Principal Investigator. Grant amount: HK$ 868,194 (24 months). Project Reference No.: UGC/FDS15/H10/19.
“The Evolution of Digital Entrepreneurship, FinTech and FinReg”, Inter-Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grant Council, 1 July 2020 – June 2021 (12 months duration) Acting as Co-Investigator. Grant amount: HK$511,850. Project Reference No.:UGC/IIDS15/B01/19
“Cybersecurity: risk management from advanced technology to law and insurance for maritime and aviation logistics operations”, Inter-Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grant Council, 12 March 2020 – 20 November 2020 (12 months duration) Acting as Co-Investigator. Grant amount: HK$ 707,695. Project Reference No.:UGC/IIDS14/B03/19
“Constructing An Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Hong Kong Shue Yan University”, Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grant Council, 2015-2017. Acted as a project team member to lead one of the three identified areas common to all disciplines: Brain-Based Teaching and Learning, Decision-Making, and Negotiation and Persuasion. Grant amount: HK$ 6,746,671 (36 months). Project Reference No.: UGC/IDS15/14.
Paper Presentation
“Criminal Prosecution in Hong Kong - perception on the satisfaction of experiencing due process protection v.s. restoration. To be presented in the Fourth GNH & Law Conference, 11-13 November 2024, JSW School of Law, Bhutan.
O.N.E. Bind over : A potential pathway for including Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System in Hong Kong. Presented in the International Symposium for Public Management and Urban Governance 2024 on “Sustainable Development, Crime Prevention and Safe Communities", 19 June 2024, Hong Kong Lingnan Univesity.
“Helping professionals in the criminal justice system – transdisciplinary practice in restorative justice”, presented in the 11th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society, 23 – 26 June 2019, Cebu, Philippines.
“The struggle of Retributive and Restorative Justice in Hong Kong – the implication on Victim’s Rights”, presented in the 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology (WSV) 2018, 10-14 June 2018, organized by the City University of Hong Kong.
“Retribution or Restoration: the Struggle in the Development of Restorative Justice Mediation in Hong Kong”, presented in the Second Biennial International Conference on Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice as a Bridge between Silk Road Civilizations, organized by the Center for Legal Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran in May 2-3, 2018.
“Restorative Justice and the Conventional Criminal Justice System – A Case of Hong Kong”, presented in the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on 24-25 June 2015, City University of Hong Kong.