Prof. LEUNG Hing Fung
Head of Department, Professor

Academic Qualifications
Professional Qualifications
Contact Details
Research Interests
Selected Publications
Leung, HF; "Yip, S, "Mediation of Construction Disputes: A Step Closer to Evaluative Model" pp. 32-52, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 26 June 2018 (Refereed)
Leung, HF, "Editorial - Applying Evaluation in Mediation - A Possible Step forward in the Resolution of Disputes in Hong Kong?" pp. 5-8, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 26 June 2018 (Refereed)
Leung, HF, "The Valuation of Upstairs Commercial Property with Direct Access to Ground Floor Level based on the Principle in Stokes v Cambridge", pp. 128-146, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 25 October 2016 (Referred)
Leung, HF; Yeung, KS, "A study of the non-legal factors that may affect the quantum of land compensation in the Lands Tribunal in Hong Kong", Facilities, 2008, v.26 n. 13-14, p. 512-525 (Refereed)
Ho, DCW; Chau, KW; King Chung Cheung, A; Yau, Y; Wong, SK; Leung, HF; SiuYu Lau, S; Wong, WS, "A survey of the health and safety conditions of apartment buildings in Hong Kong", Building and Environment, 2008, v. 43 n. 5, p. 764-775 (Refereed)
Selected Research Grants
"Research and Study on Issues Relating to Mediation in Hong Kong", contract research funded by Department of Justice, Hong Kong Government, grant amount HK$1,288,343.56, 2020 (as principal investigator)
"A Feasibility Study on the Use of New Engineering Contract in Hong Kong", funded by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, grant amount HK$100,000.00, 2016 (as principal investigator)
"Consultancy Review on the Pilot Mediation Scheme under the Land (Complusory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance" (Cap. 545), funded by Development Bureau, grant amount HK$800,000.00, 2013 (as sepcial adviser)
"Factors affecting Land Resumption Compensation in Lands Tribunal Cases in Hong Kong", Committee on Research and Conference Grant, HK$55,882.00 2004-2006 (as principal investigator)
"Optimization Program for the Selection of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms to Resolve International Construction Disputes", Research Grant Council, 2003-2004, HK$600,799, (as co-investigator)