Prof. LEUNG Hing Fung

Head of Department,  Professor

Academic Qualifications

Master of Laws (U. Wolv.); United Kingdom
Master of Arts in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (City U, HK); Hong Kong
Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) (U. London); United Kingdom
Bachelor of Building (HKU); Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science in Building Studies (Hon.) (HKU); Hong Kong

Professional Qualifications

Practising Member of Hong Kong Bar Association
Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Registered Professional Surveyor (Quantity Surveying Division)
Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
General Accredited Mediator, Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited
Panel Arbitrator: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors / Hong Kong Institute of Architects Joint Panel

Contact Details 

Phone: 852-2804-8446


Research Interests

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Legal issues relating to real estate and construction

Selected Publications

Leung, HF; "Yip, S, "Mediation of Construction Disputes: A Step Closer to Evaluative Model" pp. 32-52, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 26 June 2018 (Refereed)

Leung, HF, "Editorial - Applying Evaluation in Mediation - A Possible Step forward in the Resolution of Disputes in Hong Kong?" pp. 5-8, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 26 June 2018 (Refereed)

Leung, HF, "The Valuation of Upstairs Commercial Property with Direct Access to Ground Floor Level based on the Principle in Stokes v Cambridge", pp. 128-146, Surveying and Built Environment, Vol 25 October 2016 (Referred)


Leung, HF; Yeung, KS, "A study of the non-legal factors that may affect the quantum of land compensation in the Lands Tribunal in Hong Kong", Facilities, 2008, v.26 n. 13-14, p. 512-525 (Refereed)


Ho, DCW; Chau, KW; King Chung Cheung, A; Yau, Y; Wong, SK; Leung, HF; SiuYu Lau, S; Wong, WS, "A survey of the health and safety conditions of apartment buildings in Hong Kong", Building and Environment, 2008, v. 43 n. 5, p. 764-775 (Refereed)



Selected Research Grants

"Research and Study on Issues Relating to Mediation in Hong Kong", contract research funded by Department of Justice, Hong Kong Government, grant amount HK$1,288,343.56, 2020 (as principal investigator)

"A Feasibility Study on the Use of New Engineering Contract in Hong Kong", funded by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, grant amount HK$100,000.00, 2016 (as principal investigator)

"Consultancy Review on the Pilot Mediation Scheme under the Land (Complusory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance" (Cap. 545), funded by Development Bureau, grant amount HK$800,000.00, 2013 (as sepcial adviser)

"Factors affecting Land Resumption Compensation in Lands Tribunal Cases in Hong Kong", Committee on Research and Conference Grant, HK$55,882.00 2004-2006 (as principal investigator)

"Optimization Program for the Selection of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms to Resolve International Construction Disputes", Research Grant Council, 2003-2004, HK$600,799, (as co-investigator)